Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Turning frustration into Blessing

I was in my kitchen, cooking the latest recipe that I had discovered on Pinterest, when I decided that it was time to see what my two year old was doing. As I rounded the corner of the couch, I found her surrounded by the contents of my bible bag. My bible was in her lap and a pen was in her hand. I immediately took them both away and told her, "you can't color in Mama's bible, baby.". Even though I didn't raise my voice, she knew she was in the wrong and collapsed to the side and her little bottom lip start quivering. Instantly, the Lord convicted me. "don't you write in your Bible?? Can you imagine what its going to be like when she is grown and you come across those few tiny scribbles? How you will miss this stage?" so I immediately scooped her back up into my arms and opened my bible and showed her that little piece of art and said, "this is pretty, Molli. Mommy loves it!" ((note: this is a one time thing, I will keep my bags put away from now on))
Back to my story, her little tear-filled blue eyes looked up at me and she pointed to the scribbles and said, "uh oh! Color!!" and I explained that it's okay, she isn't in trouble. She was so happy that mommy wasn't mad at her. Many, many years from now, I'm going to see her scribbles and remember her big, concerned, blue eyes and think of how I nurtured her heart that day. I chose grace instead of wrath and was blessed from it.
Aren't you glad the Lord chooses grace over wrath for you?? I sure am.

1 comment:

  1. SO TRUE! How sweet it is when the Lord pricks our hearts before we totally destroy our little ones over something so tiny that they may or may not even know is wrong!
