I have to constantly remind myself to be patient. I want to rush everything! Instead of just being happy in the moment.. I am constantly looking forward to the next step!
My biggest problem with being impatient is with my sweet little Molli. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this child with all that is within me.. but I always catch myself saying "Oh I can't wait until she does this.." or I can't wait until she does that..".
Tonight I went to Main Street Baptist Church for evening service.. but to my surprise it was a program for "Parent's Day Out". It was such a sweet little production and I caught myself wishing that Molli could be in stuff like that.. and then I caught myself thinking about how her Spina Bifida could potentially keep her from being apart of stuff like that. ((my eyes are watering with tears now)) And then.. that's when I got convicted! I need to be THANKFUL in EVERY circumstance in my life. My daughter is beautiful and perfect in God's eyes and I need to stop putting so many expectations on her. I pray for her daily and I know that God has a plan for her and that He put ME in it for a reason, too, so I need to be PATIENT!
Father God, I am so thankful to have such a faithful Lord that IS patient with his children although I do not deserve your patience. But, it is always there, as are You. Thank You. I love You!
Mitzi, my children are able to do "stuff like that" and we don't always choose to participate because "stuff like that" isn't always God's best for each child, our families, etc. No, I have no idea what struggles you go through emotionally and mentally with Molli's health but I do know that God's plan is so much greater and so perfect for us. I am so thankful that my children are physically healthy and able to do whatever is offered but it's a struggle sometimes because it's so easy to be pulled into what the world has to offer. Molli is perfect because God intricately designed her body, her mind and her heart to do something only Molli can do and something only her Momma can discern and prepare her to do...I am so thankful to have a friend like you who teaches me, makes me aware of ways of thinking and how different hearts process life and raising children. You are a blessing and I am praying specifically for you about something I'll talk to you about as soon as the Lord makes it clear! Oh...and thanks for the comment and prayers on my blog...chose sleep over blogging last night but will blog soon.