My heart hurts tonight for a girl I know. And I am afraid that it is my fault. :-(
I never want to be the cause of someone's anger or hurt..but I am learning that as time goes by.. unintentionally or not.. it is going to happen.
Even over crazy little petty things such as "liking" someone's status on facebook. I had no idea this person's status was about anyone in particular.. i just liked the meaning of it about certain way's a mother should act. No clue it was aimed towards anyone. Well it was.. and that someone didn't appreciate my "liking" of this status.. as she made ever so clear in her following status update.. slandering me and my photography business. The more I thought about it.. I realized that I was not upset at all about the nasty things she was saying about me.. but the fact that I was partially to blame for her anger! This may seem dumb and immature ((because it is)) But my point is that I never meant to hurt anyone.. and I feel so bad for potentially being the reason someone sins in their heart.
As I was praying for this girl tonight, praying for my sinful heart, and reading my bible.. the Spirit lead me to Psalm 55.
and I was just so thankful for Lord's listening of my prayers and guidance with scripture:
But I will call on God,
and the Lord will rescue me.
Morning, noon, and night
I cry out in my distress,
and the Lord hears my voice.
He ransoms me and keeps me safe
from the battle waged against me,
though many still oppose me.
God, who has ruled forever,
will hear me and humble them.
I have sent this girl a message expressing my deepest concern and apologies.. which she has chosen to ignore. That's her business. But I am so thankful for my Lord and Savior for always forgiving me when I stumble, fall, and sin against Him. I am growing and learning so much.. and I know I fail miserably daily.. but he is always there to pick me up, dust me off, and set me back on the road he is leading me down.
I love you, Jesus.
My 2025 Goals: Part 2
4 days ago
you know, anyone of us seeking the Lord has been in your shoes. we unintentionally are the cause of hurting someone else's feelings and a lot of times we aren't afforded the opportunity of being made aware of it. Thankfully, you were made aware and were able to seek the Lord's Truth behind it. God knows your heart and Satan will do all in his power to run you off the track you're on. I'm so thankful for you, your heart and your listening hear to the Lord's leading.