That is so amazing to me. It is no coinsidence. That I am sure of! God is so good to me.. and the way he speaks to me and guides me is unlike anything else!
My heart is just beaming with joy as I type this! :-)
Accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior was by far the BEST thing I have done. Feeling his presence and grace in my heart is so wonderful!
We're in "week 2" of our Bible study and so far it has pretty much mirrored what my devotionals have been saying as well as my Sunday school study. Don't you just love when that happens? Like it was made specifically for your eyes to read so that your heart would soak it in? My Bible study today said "God's glory is the way He makes himself recognizable" Amen to that!
Thank You SO MUCH, Father, for making yourself recognizable in my life so that I can give you all of the glory and credit that you deserve!
thanks for sharing, friend!