Before I explain my post's title, let me clearly state that while I do attend a Baptist church, I do not consider myself a Baptist- I am a born again, child of Christ.
No religion, just Jesus and my relationship with Him.
And I believe that For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
That being said, allow me to elaborate on the term "Jesus Juker".
Jesus Juke:
Verb- Spiritually reprimanding someone you don't know, and having no right to do so.
Jesus Juker:
Noun- Someone who Jesus Jukes.
We have all done this at some point in our lives.. butting our heads in, guilt tripping someone for the music they listen to, clothes they wear, faces they make, churches they attend, food or drink they consume..
This is not a new issue.. it's been going on forever.
What troubles me is- why do we do this??
Are we not called to encourage one another? Build each other up? My Bible tells me so.
I am just as guilty of doing this as the next person is.
I first learned the term "Jesus Juke" last March while doing a Bible study on the Book of James led by Mark Hall (Lead singer of Casting Crowns). What led him to share this term is that he posted a silly picture of his band making "gangster" faces- joking around with his friends- and a lot of people (including myself) thought it to be funny.. but then there were the others- who did't. "You're of the world!" "That's not pleasing to the Lord" "I'm finished listening to this band.."
Jesus Juking.
Well, then the tables turned- the people that thought it was funny started Jesus Juking the people who were Jesus Juking in the first place! "It's people like you who give Christians a bad name" "Mind your own business" "Quit being so rude!".
I've had a few experiences like this.. and I have been guilty of doing this, too! Today it happened, except I was the one being juked. I didn't like it, I thought a lot of negative thoughts- and then in my mind I STARTED JESUS JUKING THEM BACK! Why do we do this? Why do we have have to have SEPARATE Christian faiths? Why can't we all be His hands and feet so His Body can move??
Father God, please forgive me for the times I stumble and fall on my face, the times I am not faithful, the times I cause stumbling. Thank You for always convicting me and straightening me back out. I am a constant work in progress, but you always prove to be faithful in Your love for me.
Thank You.
My 2025 Goals: Part 2
4 days ago
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