I wanted to do David!! God wanted me to do Breaking Free.
I am so happy and blessed to have listened to Him. He knows EXACTLY what my heart and soul need! I thank him for instructing Beth Moore to write such a deep and meaningful study that speaks directly to my soul about my "bondage".
This week, we are going over our "ancient ruins". Which is so fitting for my past. For a while now I have felt this sense of anger and blame towards my family for not nurturing my heart with God's word. I've felt disconnected from the life God wants me to live because I never had anyone hold my hand and positively guide me. Instead, I've been exposed to hurt, betrayal, and a lifestyle of "looking out for number one". And in our study she uses Exodus 20:5 as an example. "You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me," It's not saying that God does not love us for our families sins- but is warning the Israelites that if they sin and do not keep His commandments, and they raise their families to live that way also- then after generations and generations of people being ignorant to sin because their parents were sinful and never knew it was wrong or right.. they'd just sin their way to hell. Thats the punishment God is talking about.
But I don't have to live that way! I don't have to suffer for my ancestor's sins! God is my father and HE IS GOOD. I can stop this chain of sin! My children do not have to suffer either! I pray for His wisdom and strength with raising my daughter to have a heart for the Lord. I didn't have a positive spiritual upbringing- BUT MY DAUGHTER WILL!! And I find so much peace in that.
All hope is not lost for me and it's not lost for anyone else! My God is faithful. He is GOOD.
Thank You, FATHER.
Great Post! Exodus 34:14 and Deuteronomy 5:9 speak of God's jealousy for us too! Just think of all the wonderful things you have learned from being deprived from? I'm excited to see what God has in store for you and your family and the way God is going to use you in His kingdom. I too used to feel shafted about all the things I missed out on but now I'm just so stinkin excited about all the new things He shows me everyday that I'm like yeah God you Knew!! He will use you for His full potential! Read Ephesians 4:1-7 Good Stuff...good stuff!! Keep up the Good work of God! Have a blessed Week!